Thursday, July 22, 2010

No! Not the Girl Scout Pin...

Memories of day camp in Lytle Creek, meetings at the Williams', campfires and s'mores, camping in Yosemite, and that coming of age trip to Laguna Beach flashed through my head as Carly's shiny new Girl Scout pin flew through the air toward the trash bag. Today, we cleaned Carly's room and found new homes for stickers and sticker books, baby dolls, board games and all things little girl. She is twelve now and they must go. But, not the Girl Scout pin. In that moment as the pin came flying toward me I thought of my Girl Scout pin; coveted in a safe place in my room just a few steps away. My mom was the co-leader, she really didn't know how to be a Girl Scout, but she tried. With the help of the other moms who were lifers (lifetime Girl Scouts), my mom slept outdoors, drank out of a canteen, and got dirty. A professional pianist and organist, mom wasn't really accustomed to getting dirty. But, what a fantastic experience my sister and I had as Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, and I was even briefly a Senior Girl Scout, because she was willing to get out of her comfort zone for us. CarlyAnn has been a Girl Scout since Kindergarten, as her sister Allison was before her. First, a Daisy (now for younger girls), then a Brownie, and now a Junior. Carly's girl scout experience has been filled with games, projects, camping trips to Laguna, Lake Arrowhead, and Point Dume, tidepools, service projects caroling at convalescent homes, providing holiday gifts for needy families, My Stuff Bags, Manna, Toys for Tots, and of course selling those famous Girl Scout cookies. Why is the pin so important? Girl Scouts introduced my mom, my sister, me and my girls to a world where girls and women were independent and empowered, taking control, taking care of themselves, camping and serving that we carry with us throughout our lives. Remember...Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver, but the other.s gold! Thanks, Marilyn, Mrs. Williams, Kim, Nikki, Lisa, and Cindy <3

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